Mexican don’t be part of the statistics, “don’t go out stay at home”

Mexico still has 5,654 diagnosed by COVID-19, deaths from the virus 452
USA, has 614,437 diagnosed by COVID-19, deaths from virus 26,066

By Max Morales
Power, Politics equals Treason.

Tampico Tamaulipas. – Living the American dream has cost many nationals, today with the pandemic the state of California suffers the same as other states of the American union.

Mexicans must learn from the bad experience that compatriots are living in the United States, for those who do not yet know the system, how they live on US soil, the undocumented do not have any stable guarantee, they only have the motto to live today and enjoy, Many of the Mexicans who have succeeded in these lands of North America are because they are bold and extraordinary.

If you are an undocumented immigrant, you live on the crumbs that the system gives you. You do not qualify, for housing because they do not have legal papers, many work with crooked social security or ID CARD, those that you buy for $ 100.

Currently living in the USA is an ordeal, they do not have insurance, he does not work, he cannot go out on the street because he will be arrested, in a short time he will not even have to pay the rent, less the services, electricity, water and telephone.

Undocumented Mexicans urgently require the help of the Mexican consulate, they must be supported, they cheap labor in the US, today they urgently need help to alleviate the humanitarian crisis caused by the pandemic.

Yesterday April 14, 2020, President Donald Trump said that Mexicans are working friends, that they are necessary for the US economy, quite the contrary when he assured that Mexicans are criminal drug traffickers, that he would put up the border wall so that they no longer pass. undocumented Mexicans.

Mexico does not have that social weakness, we are in a pandemic but if we do not comply with the health measures, we could be worse than the USA … heed the indications of the local state and federal authorities.

Mexicans are chingones, let’s show that really, this is how we are painted, we even have a green chili with a wide hat, we are responsible, do not go out, STAY AT HOME, if you do not want to be the next victim of COVID-19.

Anterior Protege Gobierno Municipal salud de los altamirenses
Siguiente Alma Laura Amparán exhorta a quedarse en casa